Das legendäre Combat ist das Segel der Wahl für alle Wellenbedingungen. Egal an welchem Ort, von Seitenwind und perfekten Wellen bis hin zu riesigen Wildwassern an Land, der Combat wird Sie niemals enttäuschen. Der Combat wurde für dynamische und abenteuerlustige Windsurfer entwickelt und bietet Low-End-Power, wenn Sie ihn brauchen.
Leicht, stabil und stark - der Combat ist für alles, wann und wen auch immer gerüstet.
strong and light.
Fuse Batten pockets
HD window
Twin seams
drive and acceleration
Tight leech provides power for early planning and upwind performance.
wide wind range
A large tuning range that allows the rider to trim the sail for all conditions, thanks to the combination of a pronounced luff curve in the boom area and a high outhaul tension that stabilizes the profile.
Wide batten layout spacing on the lower area that allows a softer and forgiving handling under powered up conditions. Tight batten layout spacing through the upper area that provides greater stability and lighter feeling.
Premium reinforced rip-stop scrim laminate.
Ultra Scrim has Ultra High Molecular Density yarns and balanced uni-directional strength characteristics. It is 25% lighter than Ultra Web and 2x stronger than traditional scrims.
POWERFUSE panels are there to strategically re-distribute the tack and clew loads throughout the sail’s body; improving the sail reflex without deforming the laminates. POWERFUSE transforms wind energy into power, instead of losing it through material stretch.
It helps profile stability and prevents deformation. POWERFUSE is exclusive to NeilPryde Sails.
Premium reinforced rip-stop scrim laminate.
Ultra Scrim has Ultra High Molecular Density yarns and balanced uni-directional strength characteristics. It is 25% lighter than Ultra Web and 2x stronger than traditional scrims.
Ultra high Molecular Density yarns at +/-40 degrees. This rip-stop web has the same breaking strength of KevlarTM but offers much better UV resistance. 40% stronger than traditional Polyester X-Ply.