Wenn Sie den Wechsel zwischen Freestyling im Flachwasser oder Wellen schlagen möchten, benötigen Sie den Wizard PRO HD! Leicht zu handhaben und schnell, um Schwung zu gewinnen, wird dieses Segel Ihre Leidenschaft entzünden und Sie die Regeln auf dem Wasser unabhängig von den Bedingungen machen lassen. Frühes Gleiten, Stabilität und unglaublicher Auftrieb - der Wizard hat alles!
Egal, ob Sie Ihre ersten Spocks oder doppelte Power-Moves ausführen, der Assistent wird sich darum kümmern.
Fuse Batten pockets
HD window
Twin seams
on & off
wide tetron luff panel combined with a narrow sleeve enables the Wizard to transition from neutral to maximum lift in the shortest time easy handling
high aspect ratio combined with a short boom light and strong
A combination of Ultra-Scrim and light Heavy Duty window, allows for the perfect balance of lightness and resistance.
Premium reinforced rip-stop scrim laminate.
Ultra Scrim has Ultra High Molecular Density yarns and balanced uni-directional strength characteristics. It is 25% lighter than Ultra Web and 2x stronger than traditional scrims.
POWERFUSE panels are there to strategically re-distribute the tack and clew loads throughout the sail’s body; improving the sail reflex without deforming the laminates. POWERFUSE transforms wind energy into power, instead of losing it through material stretch.
It helps profile stability and prevents deformation. POWERFUSE is exclusive to NeilPryde Sails.
We have taken out traditional, seperate batten pockets by overlapping body panels to efficiently create a sleeve for battens. This reduces unnecessary weight, simplifies construction and creates a fully symmetrical batten cavity, eliminating the tendency of traditional batten pockets to load differently from one tack to another.